Taicho Daishi was a famous Shugendo monk in the Hokuriku region, who is said to be the first person to have climbed Mount Haku in 717. Mount Haku is one of the three 'Holy Mountains' in Japan, along with Mount Fuji and Mount Tate, and climbing one of them was a great achievement at the time. Just imagine climbing any of these three mountains wearing only flat shoes made of straw! And he did not only climb it, but also lived in the mountain and trained there for months! Although he was already famous as a great monk in the region, he gained a Japan-wide reputation for this achievements. He continued to pray for and heal people until he died at the age of eighty-six. He left his footsteps in many places through his missionary work, which earned him the reverential title, 'Etsu-no Daitoku (Man of Great Virtue in Echizen). This temple was founded by Taicho himself at his own birthplace in 717, just before he departed to climb Mount Haku.
Taicho-ji Temple, Fukui
The birthplace of Fukui's great monk, Taicho Daishi

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Statue of Taicho Daishi at Taicho-ji Temple

Taicho-ji Temple is surrounded by a grove of tall bamboo

Yellow and green bamboo leaves under the blue sky

Stone marker to show this is the birthplace of Taicho Daishi stands at the entrance of the temple

Front view of Taicho-ji Temple. Somehow there is no main gate here

Stone pagoda competing to be taller than a nearby pine tree

Stone lantern and the belfry of Taicho-ji Temple

Although the exact date of its creation is unknown, there is a legend that when Oda Nobunaga's army attacked the area in the 16th century, this bell was thrown in the Asamizu river near here, but later believers made a bridge over the river and salvaged the bell from there. The bridge in question still exists, and is called 'Bell Bridge'

Stone lanterns and the statue of Taicho Daishi on the temple grounds

Closer look at the statue of Taicho Daishi in a forested temple

Front view of Taishi-do (main hall)

Taicho-ji Temple in Fukui stands in a green forest

Water purification font and the temple building

Temple roof under the blue sky

Beautiful bamboo leaves and silver grass at Taicho-ji Temple
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