Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine

The mother of all shrines in southern Osaka

The Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is one of Japan's oldest shrines, being the most famous of all Sumiyoshi Shrines. It boasts a unique architecture that's purely Japanese style, called Sumiyoshi-zukuri. Sumiyoshi Shrines are found close to harbors as it is where fishermen and travelers pray to the Shinto god Kami. The Sorihashi bridge is the main attraction of Sumiyosi Taisha for tourists, its high arc creates a great reflection over the pond. Sumiyoshi Taisha shrine is located just a short walk from Sumiyoshi Taisha Station on Nankai Main Line. It makes a wonderful day trip to go back in time, from the nearby retro tram line to the ancient tombs of Mozu, as well as the old town of Kishiwada on the way to Kansai Airport.

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